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5 Easy Ways to Modify Your Wheelchair for Comfort

Making your wheelchair more comfortable can be as simple as adding a high-quality wheelchair arm pad or new wheelchair cushions. The fact is that wheelchair components wear out and need to be replaced. Additionally, upgrading components can instantly make your wheelchair more custom for you.

There are five simple components to your wheelchair that you can upgrade that will ramp up the comfort factor. A comfortable wheelchair is a wheelchair that will keep you on the move.

Modifications Are Easy

Being uncomfortable in your wheelchair can be an obstacle to doing what you want to do. The good news is you can take some simple steps to make your wheelchair more comfortable and more usable.

Making wheelchair modifications can be done with just a few simple hand tools. Starting with high-quality parts will ensure that you get the results that you expect. Most of these modifications are something that you can do in less than 30 minutes.

5 Simple Modifications

Here are five common upgrades that will improve the comfort of your wheelchair:

  • Replace wheelchair arm pads.
  • Add new wheelchair footrests.
  • Upgrade your wheelchair hand rim.
  • Put on a new wheelchair hand rim grip.
  • Add all-terrain wheelchair tires.

Simple changes can have a big impact. For example, replacing your wheelchair arm pad can instantly make your wheelchair more comfortable. Adding a wider wheelchair hand rim with new grips can make things more comfortable and easier to control.

Adding wheelchair comfort cushions can ease some of the strain you may experience. Upgrading footrests and other easy to replace components can help you design the custom wheelchair that you deserve without the cost of buying a custom wheelchair.

Replacing all of the above is simply removing the old components and adding the new ones. The right supplier will be able to provide you with the options that will work with your chair.

Comfort is the Key

Being uncomfortable in your chair can keep you from doing the things you enjoy doing. When you feel comfortable and confident in your wheelchair, you can easily accomplish what you want to do. Limited mobility does not mean dealing with discomfort to get around.

Learn more about ordering the parts you need to upgrade your wheelchair and ensure comfort is at the forefront of everything you do.

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