Laser therapy, known as Trabeculoplasty, is among the most effective glaucoma treatment procedures. It drains the fluid in your eye and lowers the pressure inside it to treat open-angle glaucoma. However, it’s essential to consult an optician to see if laser treatment is appropriate for you.
During the laser therapy procedure, the doctor puts drops in your eye to numb it and uses a special lens to aim a laser (an intense beam of light) into your eye to drain the fluid. During the treatment, you may see bright green or red light flashes. Most people experience little to no pain or discomfort during the treatment, but your vision may be blurry right after the treatment, so you’ll need someone to drive you home from the doctor’s office.
After laser treatment, most people can resume their normal daily activities the next day. Laser treatment works well for many people but does not work for everyone. You’ll have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to see if the treatment was effective. Even after laser treatment, most people need to continue taking their glaucoma medication. You’ll also need to return for a few follow-up appointments where your doctor will check the eye pressure.