In the United States, there is an obesity epidemic, and an issue with youth and physical fitness. To be specific, the children of today spend less time participating in physical activity than in previous years. With that being said, 12.5 million children and adolescents are obese. But, they aren’t the only individuals that are seeing the negative effects of a lack of physical activity. 78 million adults in the United States are also diagnosed as obese. Therefore, it is important that individuals begin to take their health and physical fitness seriously. After all, there are many benefits to all areas of fitness. If you’re beginning to focus on your health and getting into shape, here is what you should know.
Exercise Equipment: Home Fitness
Now, to begin, many individuals assume that in order to receive physical activity and transform their lifestyle to a healthy one, they need to travel to the gym every day. However, this is false. In fact, you can experience major health benefits right at home! This is called home fitness, and there is various forms of exercise equipment you can utilize to get in shape! You’ll soon experience many benefits as well.
Treadmills: There are many different forms of exercise equipment. One piece of exercise equipment that is very common in households for home fitness is a treadmill. You can head to a home fitness store to purchase this type of exercise equipment. In addition, there are many benefits to utilizing a treadmill in your home.
Firstly, a treadmill is excellent if you need to increase the amount of cardio you do on a daily basis. When you run or walk on a treadmill, you are increasing your energy as well as the stamina you have. For example, those who do not use exercise equipment and are not in shape, will get out of breath on a treadmill. However, when you build a routine and use a treadmill everyday, you will build up this stamina. You’ll realize that you have more energy too; compared to when you do not exercise!
Another important factor to using a treadmill if you want to get into shape and focus on your health, is that it is good for your heart. Any form of cardio exercise focuses on your heart. You can make your heart stronger and therefore, make yourself healthier. Lastly, if you run on a treadmill, you can decrease the amount of extra fat on your body. So, if you want to shed a few pounds, you should use a treadmill.
This form of exercise equipment is ideal if you want to increase your cardio, get more energy, increase your stamina, and lose weight.
Elliptical Trainers: The second form of exercise equipment you should consider is an elliptical trainer. For those in home fitness, an elliptical trainer pairs well with a treadmill. This is especially true because they are both considered cardio equipment. There are benefits to choosing an elliptical trainer.
The first benefit is that it’s not very harsh on your joints, like a treadmill, or strength training can be. So, if you have sensitive joints you can still work out by using an elliptical machine. Next, an elliptical can give you an intense cardio workout if that’s what you need. There are different settings for an elliptical, so you can find the proper setting for you. Also, there are ellipticals that have certain workouts on them for fat burning or performance.
If you want an intense workout, if you want to work on cardio, and if you want to care for your joints while losing weight, an elliptical trainer is ideal for you.
Pilates: There are also some exercise equipment that only requires a sturdy yet comfortable mat. These exercises include Pilates and yoga. Pilates and yoga are ideal if you want to improve your flexibility. In addition, this form of exercise is also good for weight loss, and for those who have issues with their back.
Strength: The last exercise equipment is weights, for strength training. Strength training will help you tone your body, lose weight, and gain muscle. If you want to transform your body, strength training is great!