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    What is Stereotactic Radiosurgery Used For?

    Being diagnosed with a brain tumor is one of the most frightening pieces of news you can get from your doctor. You will certainly have a lot of questions. The experts at Nucleus Medical Media have put together this informative presentation to help people in this situation. Be sure to watch to learn more, and read on for more information. What is Stereotactic Radiosurgery? Stereotactic Radiosurgery is done using an advanced medical apparatus known as a gamma knife. This device is used to target and kill tumors in the brain with computer-guided precision. Video Source The type of radiation used does not harm healthy brain tissue. The computer-guided targeting plan…

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    DIYing a Health Fair in Your Town? These Tips Can Help You Out

    It is possible that you might be able to set up a health fair in your town that people want to come to. You need to attract as many true medical professionals as you can for something like this. On top of that, you want to make sure you are looking at providing the booths and other supplies necessary to create the kind of event that people truly need to get valuable information out of the fair itself. You might want to look at working with a porta potty rental in Lakeland company for yourself. This could help you to create the ideal scenario related to getting the restroom services…

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