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Hearing Loss Signs Symptoms and Solutions

Everyone deals with not hearing things every now and then, but most of us don’t think twice about the issues until it becomes problematic. Considering that about 12% of the population is currently suffering from hearing loss, knowing the signs and knowing when to worry is important. Many people brush off little instances where they are not able to hear or where they have a hard time hearing, but few think of this as a big enough problem to schedule an appointment with a hearing specialist. Hearing loss is not the end of the world, and advancements have made dealing with it easier than ever, so there is no more need to be fearful of seeing hearing specialists to have your hearing tested.

Warning Signs of Hearing Loss

Volume of electronic devices should be your first clue. If you notice that you are constantly having to turn the television or radio up when you come into a room, could signal some hearing loss. Normal amounts of hearing loss is normal as we age, but if you find that others in the room can hear the television or radio and you cannot then it may be time to see a hearing specialist. Other warning signs that you should be aware of is a muffled sound when others talk. If you are asking others to repeat what they said or turning your head from one side to the other so that you can hear those could be warning signs. If you find yourself reading lips to see what others are saying you should consider having your hearing checked.

Steps to Take if Hearing Loss is Suspected

If you suspect that you may have hearing loss then it is probably time to schedule a test with a hearing doctor for a hearing test. You should consider what insurance you have and determine which specialty doctors are covered. You should see if you need a referral, and contact your primary care physician if you do need one. Once you arrive at your appointment, you will be asked to answer a series of questions. After you answer these questions you will then be taken to a quiet room. A hearing test will be administered in this room. This hearing test will help determine if you are in fact suffering from hearing loss. If you are, it can also help determine the amount of hearing loss you are suffering from. It can also help determine the best course of treatment for your hearing loss. Majority of cases of hearing loss are best treated with aids that help you hear better, but some could be treated with surgery either on the ears or even the nose, throat or sinus cavities. Knowing which kind you have and the best course of treatment can ease many of your fears.

Hearing Aids

There are many types of hearing aids that you can choose from. There are ones that will fit completely inside the ear canal. These types are almost invisible and people don’t notice they are there. While they are more discreet, they tend to pick up more unimportant noises and doesn’t have noise control. Hearing aids that sit partially in the ear canal are an option. While these are not invisible they are less noticeable however the controls could be harder to access because of the smaller size. Hearing aids that fit inside the ear can fit in the outer ear or only the lower part. These are noticeable, they are not small but they are easier to handle and to adjust. Hearing aids that sit behind the ear is great for individuals of any age. Although these types are the largest, they are the easiest to handle and adjust to get the settings you want.

Carefully consider the type of hearing aid that will suit you best. Knowledge is power, but if you will be wearing your apparatus you want to make sure that it’s completely comfortable for you and that you can work and adjust it. Working closely with a hearing specialist will ensure that you get exactly what you want to help you feel better and that you are comfortable with your choice in hearing aids.

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