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    Doctors Without Borders – What to expect

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc-njOPX-K4 Medecins Sans Frontiers(MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, provides medical aid to individuals in underprivileged areas. The majority of these people are denied access to health care, decent shelter and clean water. The purpose of this video is to help you to understand what it means to work with MSF. This includes the challenges you will face and how you will need to conduct yourself. Working with MSF is a life-changing experience. It is a challenging journey, that can also be quite rewarding. The tasks you will perform range from simple things like providing poison oak rash home remedies to more complicated procedures. One thing is for sure;…

  • Activator spinal adjustment device,  Muscle strength testing equipment,  Range of motion data

    New Businesses Require Attention to Many Details

    During the years when you were working on your undergrad degree and later on your medical of chiropractic degree you were careful to take close mental and physical notes of all the things that you knew you would need when you began your career. In the end, however, the most difficult decisions that you needed to make in those final weeks of opening your first clinic were not about placement of treatment tables and connections with insurance providers. Instead, the biggest steps you faced was about the flooring. and while you would much rather be spending your time helping patients with their chronic pain conditions and helping them navigate the…

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