Medecins Sans Frontiers(MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, provides medical aid to individuals in underprivileged areas. The majority of these people are denied access to health care, decent shelter and clean water. The purpose of this video is to help you to understand what it means to work with MSF. This includes the challenges you will face and how you will need to conduct yourself.
Working with MSF is a life-changing experience. It is a challenging journey, that can also be quite rewarding. The tasks you will perform range from simple things like providing poison oak rash home remedies to more complicated procedures. One thing is for sure; once you join MSF, your life will never be the same. You will learn a lot and interact with colleagues and patients from different political, cultural and religious backgrounds.
MSF provides emergency health care in areas where it is needed the most. This is usually in underdeveloped villages, townships and cities. It is crucial to understand that these areas will most likely differ a lot from your own home. For instance, internet connectivity might be limited. You get to share bedrooms, and bathing rooms if any, and sometimes even electricity might be limited. To be able to work in such conditions, you have to be very resilient and adaptable.
Since MSF also recruits personnel from different backgrounds, you will need to be a tolerant and open-minded person. At one point or the other, you will have differences of opinion with your colleagues. The most important thing would be to manage to maneuver these tricky social scenarios without upsetting your working relationships.
Another essential attribute that you will need to have if you are considering to join MSF is the ability to work as part of a team. Teamwork is very crucial to the success of MSF. To complete your daily tasks, each individual has to do their part and sometimes cover for their colleagues. This also means when it comes to working, any differences that you might have with your colleagues have to be set aside.
You will also find that in some areas where you will work, the viewpoint on human rights might be very different from what you are used to. This, therefore, requires you to be able to do your work efficiently and at the same time, avoid upsetting the authorities. Finally, it is important to join MSF for the right reasons. Your drive to join MSF must not be inspired by the need to escape your current reality. You might find that MSF is more complicated than what you are currently facing.