
What You Should Know About the Morpheus 8 Treatment

In the video above, McKenzie Rhoda details Morpheus 8, a treatment using needles and heat to induce contractions in specific areas.

She discusses the variable duration of results, suggesting they can last up to a year with the right treatment approach. Initial recommendations entail three sessions, although the total number can vary according to individual preference.

Rhoda points out the risks, emphasizing the need for full sensation in the treated area and cautioning against the procedure for individuals with metal implants or certain autoimmune conditions. Consulting a healthcare provider beforehand is essential.

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Ideal candidates include individuals of all skin types. Preparation involves being makeup-free, shaved, and avoiding sun exposure.

During the treatment, a topical agent is applied before needles are injected into the tissue for stimulation. Post-treatment soreness may occur, and a soothing cream might be recommended for 1 to 3 days.

Rhoda addresses potential discomfort during the procedure, noting the use of numbing agents. Post-treatment effects include temporary redness and possible scabbing, which varies among patients.

She contrasts Morpheus 8 with microneedling, emphasizing the added heat component in Morpheus 8, allowing for deeper treatment, especially for acne scars. Additionally, she highlights the differences between Morpheus8 and Fractora, emphasizing Morpheus8’s customization and control over needle depth.

Rhoda notes that Morpheus 8 treatment prices can vary.

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