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    What is it Like Being a Physiatrist?

    Psychiatry is the field of medicine focused on understanding and treating mental health disorders and psychological distress. Psychiatrists use the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, currently in its fifth iteration (hence the name DSM-V) in assessing a patient’s constellation of symptoms and determining if they exhibit a diagnosable disorder. Psychiatrists can also help patients with other conditions, even if they aren’t classified DSM illnesses – including psychological distress from pain, trauma, difficult relationships, or other high-stress situations. While some think that psychiatrists go into the field because they subconsciously want to fix their own problems, or that they’re highly eclectic and strange, this isn’t quite true. As a psychiatrist, you’ll have…

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    Focus 101 Handling Interruptions in Life

    Every employee know about the struggle of staying focused. 2022 has brought us a host of new things to think about every single day, and phone are our main focus no matter where we are. Time management is now something that we need to work diligently at to learn and master. With so much multitasking involved in just about every job now, the seasoned employee has seen their fair share of distractions and infuriating interruptions in flow at work. However, there are several mental and physical exercises we can do to get better at handling workplace interruptions. Video Source In this video, we will take a look at some easy…

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    Advantages of Ergonomic Chairs

    Sitting in an office all day can put a strain on your back. One of the solutions to this is to use ergonomic chairs. Ergonomic chairs are designed in a way to support your every need. Video Source In this article, we are going to look at the advantages of ergonomic chairs. The first advantage that we are going to talk about is back support. When you are sitting in a chair for long periods you need to have good posture. Ergonomic chairs are made in a way that promotes good posture. They help to stop the formation of back problems which will hurt you later in life. Another advantage…

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    What Causes Adrenal Fatigue?

    Everybody gets tired, but getting tired during the times where you are meant to have energy is a problem that many people experience. Being exhausted during the day makes work strenuous, focus almost impossible, and every hour so long. Your adrenal fatigue could be chalked up to a number of different reasons, most likely quite a few piled up on top of each other. If you are looking for the solution to counteracting your daytime fatigue, then fear not. Video Source This video shares some of the most common reasons why you feel sleepy and out of focus during waking hours. The first reason is fairly obvious. If you lack…

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    What You Didnt Know About Skin Cancer Treatment

    Skin cancer treatment can be brutal, and it varies depending on your type of illness. Luckily, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center uploaded a video on their Youtube channel called “What is the Treatment for Skin Cancer?” where they describe some treatments for skin cancer and what it involves. Let’s find out more! Prevention Firstly, preventing skin cancer is the most important job for a dermatologist and every person out there. Furthermore, the best way to prevent this issue is by using a sunscreen every single day and avoiding exposing yourself to the sun often. Video Source If a patient has been diagnosed in the early stages of skin cancer, reducing…

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    Is There an Arthritis Cure?

    Video Source Arthritis is a painful disease that can get progressively worse with age. It afflicts your joints and without proper arthritis treatment, it can immobilize you. With all of the modern technologies, there is still no cure. One problem is that arthritis is not just one disease. There are over 100 diseases that fall under the umbrella of arthritis. The severity of symptoms and cause of each of these diseases varies widely. A singular cure would not be enough. Some forms of arthritis can be traced back to early adulthood. Osteoarthritis is the most common form and any joint injury in a person’s life can trigger the chain reaction…

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    How to Find the Best Face Lift Doctor

    There are several reasons why you may want to get a facelift, but most people do it for cosmetic reasons. You need to know that there are different facelifts, including vertical and superficial facelifts. Ultimately, you want to work with a surgeon who knows what they are doing, and that calls for you to do your due diligence when looking for a face lift doctor. The first thing you want to check off your list is that the doctor will do a job that will last. Video Source Renowned cosmetic surgeons advise against superficial facelifts because they do not last long. A good surgeon should know what kind of facelift…

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    What A Typical Neurological Rehabilitation Center Looks Like

    Anyone who has had a stroke, brain damage, or other neurological illness should seek therapy in a neurological rehabilitation center. An image of a rehabilitation facility for the brain and nervous system One of the rehabilitation coordinators at Sinai Hospital, Eva Warschawski-Gonsher, gives a tour of the Louis and Phyllis Friedman Neurological Rehabilitation Center in a video posted to the “LifeBridge Health” YouTube channel. Patients may get a feel for what it will be like after discharge from the hospital at the center’s “home transition apartment.” The kitchen in the Home transition apartment is fully equipped with all of the required equipment for preparing food. Video Source It features a…

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    Reasons to Visit a Chiro

    Many people think chiropractic care is just about cracking backs and readjusting spines. Sure, this is a big part of it but it’s not the whole picture. The truth is that chiropractic care has many health benefits for you physically as well as mentally and emotionally. There are many great advantages to regular chiropractic care. Chiropractors can provide frozen shoulder therapy service, migraine relief, menstrual cramp relief, and so much more. There is most likely a chiropractor in your area who can provide these services for you. Video Source It’s important to make sure you go to a licensed practitioner. If any of these techniques or treatments are done incorrectly,…

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    How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card

    Video Source Medical marijuana can provide relief to many different chronic disorders individuals may face. This video will explain what’s required to get medical cards for marijuana and get your symptoms treated. The first thing to do is schedule an appointment at a local medical marijuana dispensary. They will ask you for your symptoms and possibly for referrals from other physicians. It’s helpful to have some of your medical records handy if you don’t have a referral. Once they have checked everything, you will fill out some forms and show your ID. There will also be a fee of a few hundred dollars. After everything is sorted, you will be…

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