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    Tips for Staying Healthy as You Age

    Just about all of us endeavor to age gracefully. Aging well — meaning staying energized, nimble, and able to enjoy life’s everyday pleasures — is very achievable. Even better, studies show that you can start making positive changes and reap the benefits from healthy aging starting today. Among study participants ages 44 to 84, “Those who made good-for-you changes like quitting smoking, following a Mediterranean-style diet, getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight [over the course of seven years] decreased their risk of death in the time period by 80%,” according to John Hopkins Medicine. Whether a healthy lifestyle is par for the course or you are just starting…

  • Tires for wheelchairs,  Wheelchair arm pad,  Wheelchair footrests

    Living An Able Life Products You Should Consider For Your Wheelchair

    In the United States, there are 20% of people with some type of disability. Additionally, some of these individuals have difficulty walking or climbing stairs. To be more specific, this is 20 million people within the United States. While the number of people with disabilities may be high, this does not mean people with disabilities can’t be able. In other words, they can do the same things able bodied individuals do on a daily basis. To add to this, people in wheelchairs can also do the same things able bodied people do. If you use a wheelchair every day, here are products you should consider for your wheelchair. After all,…

  • Shower chair replacement seats,  Side guard for wheelchairs,  Wheelchair comfort cushions

    How to Choose a Wheelchair Secrets and Tips to choosing the Right One

    For many people, choosing a wheelchair is a rather straightforward process. This is until you get to the market and suddenly have no idea of choosing the right one. The best way of going about the buying process is doing some research on how to buy the right wheelchair. Always remember that a wheelchair more than just mobility. Considering that physical health issues are becoming even more challenging, there are people who require absolute assistance in order to maintain an active lifestyle. Do not go so deep on the technicalities of the wheelchair and what you need to look out for. Only consider the things that are most crucial such…

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    10 Ways to Better Your Health Right Now

    When you want to live a healthier life, there are a number of ways that you can improve your health. When you look at your lifestyle, it should be all about being healthy. What you eat and how much exercise you get have a direct correlation with whether you have a healthy body or not. Most doctors can pass along basic nutrition advice about what you should be eating. Most doctors like to encourage their patients to eat mostly plants and to watch their levels of sodium and saturated fat. With more and more people interested in health and wellness, being healthy is always an important topic of conversation. If…

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    4 Changes You Can Make To Create A Healthier Home

    Everyone is spending more time at home than they once did. Even if you personally aren’t too worried about the spread of the COVID-19 virus, most states have strict regulations in place as they attempt to re-open in a safer way. It’s impossible to know exactly when it will be safe or possible to return to life as normal and to have access to the things that you were used to using before the pandemic began. Therefore, you’ll want your home to be as comfortable and safe as possible. If you’re spending more time at home, you may begin to recognize that there are issues within your house that you…

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    10 Veterans Benefits You Might Not Know About

    Veterans are uniquely situated. Having served the country, the Veterans Administration As such, the VA’s programs are spread broadly across many areas, including medical care, health insurance, mental health assistance for veterans, veterans homes, home loan programs, and funeral benefits. Moreover, veterans programs are run by states, private organizations, and churches. Because of the many programs that are available, veterans might not be aware of every possible source of assistance. Here are ten benefits veterans might miss: GI Bill Educational assistance is available to service members and veterans, as well as their families, through the GI Bill and other educational programs administered by the VA. Educational benefits through the GI…

  • Footrests for wheelchairs,  Off road tires for wheelchairs,  Side guards for wheelchairs

    Shower Seats Benefits and Factors to Consider When Choosing One

    Around 10% of the world’s population, over 650 million people live with a disability. In the US, the Center for Disease Control reports that one in every four American adults has some disability. Of these, 13.7% have a mobility limitation, with difficulty in walking or climbing. Shower chair seats offer necessary support and comfort as you take your bath. Shower seats are a safe and secure option on your journey to become self-reliant. Consult your occupational therapist about the choice of shower chairs you should look for. You can bring up the conversation on your next appointment. Benefits of Using Bath Seats 1. Independence Shower seat chairs offer more freedom…

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    Home Improvement Projects That Can Help Improve Your Health, Too

    Your home is your sanctuary. If something goes wrong, that disrupts the flow of life and can cause a great amount of stress. Knowing how to make a healthy home should an unexpected event arise can give you peace of mind. Whether it involves remodeling or just everyday repairs, your overall home atmosphere is entirely up to you. In fact, according to the Houzz website, nearly one-third of homeowners say they change to a healthier lifestyle following the remodel of their kitchen. Follow some of these tips to be sure your remodel or home-buying experience is a positive one. Water Well Services Offer Great Benefits The advantages of well water…

  • Health

    Everyday Things That Could Be Hurting Your Health

    Ask people if they desire to live a long and healthy life, and you are pretty much guaranteed and emphatic, “yes.” We all desire to live a healthier lifestyle, but what does that mean exactly? When we hear the phrase, “healthy lifestyle,” visions of lovely fresh salads and sweaty workouts pop into our heads. Those things are very important and absolutely needed as we strive for better health. But there is more to consider. Our health isn’t all about food and exercise. It’s about keeping our surroundings safe and healthy as well. We can’t control the environment around us, outside of our homes on a daily basis, unfortunately. However, with…

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    Love and Libido: The Benefits of Ashwagandha for Men

    Many people will experience a low sex drive at some point. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety along with stress in your personal life can all exhibit themselves physically in different ways. In fact, 33% of U.S. adults report experiencing extreme stress in their lives, and a low sex drive is a common side effect. But before you reach for medicines like Viagra to boost your libido, there’s an organic supplement you can use to support your love life instead: Ashwagandha. What is Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb. This organic supplement is commonly used to provide benefits to your body and brain. It can boost your…

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